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Spiritual Session

January 01, 1970    PLMun Comm

“We bear fruits when we engage.”

Today’s Spiritual Session focused on being a FRUITFUL STEWARD, shared by Mr. Alvin Lodronio. He used the verses on John 15:1-7 to illustrate how we can become not just a Good Steward of God’s blessings and skills but also be FRUITFUL. He shared the following ideas:

To whom must we engage?

- We need to engage with our Almighty God who is the Source of all things.

- We also need to engage with the Institution (PLMun) where we are working.

- We also need to engage with other people/colleagues to be fruitful.

How must we engage?

- We can engage with God by remaining and staying connected to Him.

- Apart from God we are nothing, and we cannot do anything.

Why must we engage?

- We need to engage to bear fruit and be productive in all the things that we do.

PLMun Communications Team

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